Sign up now for our free Loyalty program to receive special rate for members only.

Book direct with Drive Car Rental to pursue your journey with a unique experience and benefits:

  • Book a car faster Don’t have to fill in the information every time.
  • Get the car faster Just show your passport (Foreign) / ID card (Thai) and driving license
  • For rental with SC FP and FPP insurance, deposit amount only 5,000 baht for car engine size 1.0-1.6 CC and 15,000 baht for car engine size 1.8-3.0 CC
  • Up to 3 hours late return from the time of booking. (Usually 1 hour late return)
  • The price is 15% cheaper than regular customers. (the price of “Pay now” for membership in comparison with the price of “Pay Later” for regular customers)

* Only for customers who reserve a rental car through the website only